The RAZOR CODE String is the strongest and hardest to deform in this range with a composition that allows a lot of control. Leading String brand, Tecnifibre offers a wide range of Strings dedicated to all levels and requirements of players. This String was designed: For very good, demanding players looking for strength and versatility For Rackets weighing over 300g Recommended for heavy String breakers Main material: Co-polyester Recommended tension between 22 and 25 kg Maximum tension: 32 kgs Recommended for big String breakers (> 10 hours of play) String made in France. Thermocore: Guarantees the greatest flexibility for polyester monofilaments to generate less fatigue. High-Module Polyester Compound: provides a firm feel and extreme durability Section: Round for versatility. BEST SELLER FOR GOOD PLAYERS A real plus for big breakers. PLAYER FEEDBACK The strongest and firmest String but which remains more flexible compared to Blast or 4 G.
Rope type
Rope range
200m Reel